汤老湿虽然演技在线但用力太猛导演太拉胯最严重的问题是——大家听到阿尔诺日吉玛这个黑帮大佬的名头以为是来看《魔法阿妈》的再不济也是《蚀日风暴大结局》或者《神兵奶爸》的没想到是来看诺日吉玛shit in the bed另外终于有人发现noel fisher和汤老湿很像了吗找他来演儿子
Patience! At first all sporadic, expanding lives connected with chance, somehow fall into place and tied together with the earthquake in the end and with the core of human selfishness (of victims and victimizers alike). How does one come out of an Altman film feeling positive?